All of us at Bangun Insan Mandiri (BIM) School are passionate about learning and acknowledge that learning is a life-long process.
We strive to instill the same passion to our students. Having the passion to be a life-long learner will prepare our students for their future. We believe school life is important and should be looked forward to with excitement and anticipation.
As such our interactive learning environment is designed to be both stimulating and holistic, creating a fun and comfortable experience for students to learn and grow.

Our Mission
Enriching Student Lives
To provide stimulating and rich learning environment for our student.​
To develop our students’ potentials and build their intellectual intelligence, creativity, and character.​​
To foster meaningful relationship with the parents to enhance the learning process​​.

Be an outstanding school that nurtures students into mature, competent and confident individuals with an excellent character and able to contribute meaningfully to the society.

Our History
Bangun Insan Mandiri (BIM) School was established in 2001, formerly known as Sains School. More than a decade later, BIM has evolved from a Pre-school to a national plus school which provides education from Pre-school up to Primary (PAUD, TK dan SD).
By the Academic Year of 2015/2016 Secondary Level (SMP) is open and by 2018/2019, we have served the level of Upper Secondary (SMA).
Our curriculum is tailored to meet the requirements of the Indonesian Curriculum with some subjects adopted from the international curriculum. Classes are conducted in three languages: English, Indonesian and Mandarin.